Sunday 29 September 2013

Richard the third

Richard the third Act 1 Scene 1

1.     A soliloquy occurs when a character speaks to his or herself.
2.     A soliloquy is found in Act 1 Scene 1when Gloucester was speaking to himself in the beginning of the play.
3.     My view on Richard is that he is a crude and evil man.
4.     Character sketch on characters in act 1 scene 1:
·        Gloucester: self centered, angry, confused , jealous
·        Clarance: loyal, nice
·        Brakenbury: respectful, faithful
·        Hastings: pitiful
5.     Clarance was a duke and Richard the third brother.
·        Brakenbury was the person in charge of guarding the tower
·        Hastings was a trustworthy advisory of Richard.

6.     The scene is taking place in London on the street.
7.     In act 1 scene 1 Richard is talking to himself about how miserable he is because he wants to become king. He then conspires against his brother by working with the court and Clarance is then carried off to a tower where he would be imprisoned. Lord Hasting was imprisoned in the tower but has been freed. He then informs Richard that Edward is very ill. When Lord Hasting leaves, Richard then conspires to marry the widowed Lady Anne Neville.

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